Wednesday, May 27, 2009

In da internets...

Sometimes you find something that just tickles you so pink, you have to share it with others. And such it is with:
Behold, the leftest-extreme-latee-sipping-hippie-loon's solution to global warming.
I'd almost drop $10 on this just to chump on all my friends with an iPhone. The Apps are a hoot, but definitely check out the specs page. You'll roll in stitches, if we have the same sense of humor that is.

1 comment:

Zanne said...

Hilarious! Perhaps someday I will feel differently when I own a cell phone or a PDA...maybe...but then I think some things will never being irritated at parents who text their kids during class (hello? why do you think we have a classroom phone?)...or people that play with their PDA at church or the movie theater.